Friday 22 July 2016

"Buddhacello" made with Buddha’s Hand Citron

After bottling my first batch of Limoncello with great success (it is very delicious!), i got to thinking that i could finally have something that i could make use of my elusive Buddha's Hands. Since there is no juice or pulp inside these squid-like fruit i have only ever used them in my fruit bowl as decoration and to scent the room with a light citron aroma. So tonight i harvested two of these beautys off my tree and with great difficulty zested them up and then added the zest into a bottle of vodka. 
I started off having to wash the hands quite thoroughly as due to some bizarre reason the hands are like a haven for ants. I actually had to wash, scrub & rinse about three times to rid of all the ant stowaways. Then to zest them up i had to slice each "tentacle" off to reach every bit of precious zest.
Once zested it was as easy as adding the zest into my Vodka bottle, rinsing it off and a long wait of about a month until i add my sugar syrup and complete my glorious "Buddhacello"!
I'll keep you posted how this turns out in about a month but i have a good feeling about this.


Zested Tentacles.

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